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Northeast TX | Plumbing & Septic Company

Importance of Septic Inspection When Buying a House

Buying a new house is a milestone for many, and a costly one at that. Therefore, a home buyer prefers to evaluate the whole place to ensure that the property is worth their hard-earned money before signing for homeownership. However, it is possible to forget to inspect the septic system in Bonham, TX, because, let’s face it, what is out of sight is often out of mind.

In this blog, Dusty Underwood Plumbing and Septic would like to bring to light the importance of performing a septic system inspection before you buy a house.


You likely weren’t present during the septic installation, so the next best thing is to, at the very least, have an idea of the essential aspects of your future home’s septic system. By the end of the inspection done by a professional, you should be able to know about the location, condition, and potential issues of the septic system.

To Plan Out the Maintenance Schedule

Septic systems require a review in approximately five years. However, many homeowners wait until something goes wrong to seek septic services. When an assessment is done before purchasing the house, our technicians can let you know which maintenance plan would be ideal for your septic system.

Avoid Unplanned Repairs

Not knowing the condition of the septic system can end up costing you. Inspections can help detect issues that require immediate septic repair.

Ensuring Suitability

Septic tanks come in a variety of sizes. An inspection done before the finalization of the sale enables you to plan and save up for a septic replacement if you are not satisfied with the currently installed system.

Scheduling a septic inspection before purchasing a home, or even just septic inspections in general, has many benefits. Make sure to take advantage of this fact by reaching out to the pros at Dusty Underwood Plumbing and Septic. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

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