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Northeast TX | Plumbing & Septic Company

Adverse Effects of Improper Septic Installation

Complex and labor intensive, septic tank installation isn’t one of the fun DIY projects you can handle during your free time. Correcting improper septic tank installation is even more demanding and costly.  If you are looking for professional septic services, connect with our licensed installers at Dusty Underwood Plumbing and Septic, Inc.

Entrusting the septic installation task to unlicensed or inexperienced individuals can result in a few unsavory outcomes, like the ones we discuss below.


The faulty installation of your septic system in Bonham, TX can lead to backward wastewater flow. Septic tanks rely on gravity to push wastewater in the direction of the leach field. If an unqualified septic tank installer installs your system with the slightest error or miscalculation, the gravitational force will pull the wastewater back to the inlet pipe. Working with a professional helps ensure that costly installation mistakes don’t happen.

Improperly  Installed D-Box

The distribution box has to be levelled to distribute wastewater evenly. Our team of experienced septic tank installers know how to set up the distribution box such that it does an excellent job of evenly distributing effluent. Our team also offers septic repair services to address uneven D-box issues that may arise later.

Costly Replacements

If your septic tank is not installed properly, it could trigger backflow which can flood your home. As you know, direct contact with the contaminated waste is extremely unsanitary and could lead to various health problems, and therefore would need prompt repairs. You might even need a septic replacement service, which could put a considerable strain on your budget as well.

If you’re in need of premium septic services, don’t think twice about giving us a call. Our professional team at Dusty Underwood Plumbing and Septic is highly trained and qualified to install your septic system promptly and efficiently. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

Schedule Your Emergency Plumbing Repair Today!

Don’t let a plumbing problem snowball into a crisis. Contact us today for the best emergency plumber services in Northeast Texas.