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Northeast TX | Plumbing & Septic Company

How Long Can A Septic Tank Last?

If you’re having a new septic system installed or a property that you acquired has an existing system, you may be wondering how long you can expect your septic system in Bonham, TX to last. Dusty Underwood Plumbing and Septic has the expertise when it comes to septic installation and repair. We offer the following information on septic system lifespans for your information.

Septic System Longevity

Septic systems cater to the unique needs of each property, so the lifespan of each naturally varies. A quality tank and appropriately sized disposal field can last anywhere between 15 and 40 years before septic replacement becomes necessary. Various smaller parts and peripheral components may require updating or repair during this time.

To be more specific, steel septic tanks have a lifespan of 15 to 20 years. Any older than that and the bottom would be completely rusted out. As for concrete septic tanks, they have a service life of up to 40 years. Concrete septic tanks can last even longer if the materials used during the septic installation were high-quality.

Factors that Influence a Septic Tank’s Useful Life

Overtaxing and septic system abuse are two of the primary reasons that systems fail prematurely. Abuse includes disposing of grease, hair, feminine hygiene products, baby wipes and other items into the system while overtaxing occurs when the number of people using the system exceeds its design capacity. Poor installation practices, adverse soil conditions and lack of routine septic services are all additional factors that can impact the function of a septic system.

Regular Maintenance is Crucial

Septic systems require periodic pumping and cleaning to remain in good working order. To prevent sewage back-ups and damage to the system, it’s always a good idea to schedule an appointment with an experienced septic repair professional at the first sign of trouble.

Trust the Pros

Let the team at Dusty Underwood Plumbing and Septic take care of your septic system concerns. Feel free to contact us at your convenience if your system is due for routine maintenance or if you’re in need of immediate repairs.

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